A person stood atop a mountain ridge

The Escape Vol. 41

Wondering minds and meandering feet in pursuit of good times, big skies and wild spaces. The Escape Vol. 41 is all for slowing the pace and trailing off… where were we? 

1. A Good Book

A woman lays on a blanket with books surrounding her

“An ode to the leisure and languor of the dog days…”

Hailey Moore, Passenger Ambassador

Scribbled in, dog-eared, read and read again. Hailey Moore leafs through her favourite outdoor and adventure books on behalf of The Radavist . Take note.

2. Five Things That Make Us Nostalgic For Travel

A vintage campervan parked up in the mountains

“Navigating the world with less precision and less expectation”

Meghan McEwan, In Hand

Meghan McEwan on things that make us nostalgic for travel before phones and other useless / useful digital distractions. Fronted by a standout piece by Ben Buckland - Trekking Across Switzerland, Guided by Locals’ Hand-Drawn Maps .

3. The House That Martijn Built

A slow burner and all the better for it. Martijn Doolaard’s meditative take on long-form YouTube content is a breath of fresh air. A window into his world of well-worn hats, hard graft and living off the land. 

4. Shroom Steak Pitas

From the mind of @nomeatdisco comes a lion’s mane special, doused with a good dollop of chimichurri—Argentina’s take on BBQ sauce. Get a kitchen groove on for the full Sam Jones festival experience, served best with a can o’ hop juice. Room temp.

Getting Our Ducks In A Row

As we thumb through the muddied pages of our Almanac, it falls open to September and thoughts turn to our friends at Four Acre Farm. This month, it’s all about runner ducks.

The Four Acre team have been busy building their home - think Passenger-approved timber-clad cabin with ample space to roam. We think they’ll take to it like du… You get the picture. They’ll be super valuable in creating a more biodiverse area of grassland, eating slugs, and dropping natural fertiliser.

Ducks in a field
Ducks up close, being fed lettuce

“Late summer brought the arrival of our new farm friends, the Indian Runner Ducks. Not only are they adorable and hilarious, they are a brilliant addition to the eco system of our farm. We can use their manure for compost, put them on slug patrol in the market garden and orchard. Plus they also lay eggs, which we can sell to the local community.”

Kate Forrester, Four Acre Farm Director

Nowhere Bound: Under Big Skies

For the slow goers, amblers and autumn appreciators. Ear-warming tunes for outdoorsy folk.

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